Business Owners

We Help Business Owners Build Profitable Property Portfolios
Time is the most important thing, buy it back and build a legacy that will last. Having achieved some amazing results in life and business, you can use property to secure the wealth and build a solid asset base.
Property Principles are a dedicated Buyers Agency that specialises in sourcing property investment, and securing assets that are under market value, with net positive yields, strong capital growth prospects, and that have value add potential through strategies that suits each clients needs.
Why use a buyers agent
A qualified buyer’s agent will take the burden off your shoulders and make finding the right property easy.
A buyers agent will be help you avoid the money traps that are out there, the common pitfalls and ensure that your given the best opportunity to secure a valuable property, not a lemon!
Here are just some of the benefits;
- Save time and energy
- Get peace of mind by being in expert hands
- Get an edge over the other competition
- Tap into a wide network of selling agents and off market properties
- Get the best price and potentially save thousands!
- Remove the stress and guesswork from buying property
What Does Property Principles Do for you?
A great way to describe our buyer’s agency service is to think of it like a your own qualified investment expert, they are on your side every step of the way of purchasing your next investment property, apart of your A Team
We will support you every step of the way, and facilitate your needs from research to settlement.
The person you buy your property from has a realestate agent in their corner, they are qualified and very experienced at negotiations, shouldn’t you have some on your side too?
We’ll remove the stress and guesswork, so you can move on and focus on what’s important to you.