First Time Investors

Invest with your head and not your heart!

You have decided that property investing is going to be your wealth accumulation vehicle of choice, that is amazing and congratulations in making it this far along the journey!

We are excited to be a part of your Property Plan and potentially your help with your Property Purchase.

Before we jump in though, let’s look at some of the data of what stops people from reaching their Ultimate Goals.

According to the Census data, we see 72.8% of all the 1.7 million investors own just one property, that is 5.57% of Australia’s population, these people get stuck at just one!

1.42% of Australians own two properties, with 0.43% of Australians owned three properties and 0.068% of Australians owned six or more investment properties, that’s 680 people out of 1 million people that owned six or more investment properties in Australia.

Why is that?

Why are so many people getting stuck with so few properties? 

From what we can tell here at Property Principles it’s that people don’t approach their investing with their head, they get attracted by the shiny objects, sales pitches by dodgy spruikers and buy with their emotions. 

Then the next questions that get raise are: How do you research a location? What areas are going to grow in value? What data do I look at when researching an area? What property will be the best fit for me and so many more.

Even if they do find a good property, this is the first time they have ever negotiated on anything (let alone one of the largest investments of their life) and they drop the ball on the negotiations.

Once they finally did the research, found the area, talked to all the agents and the property is purchased, it’s an experience that people don’t want repeated, the time involved in the process, the stress, the frustration with agents, the constant late nights looking on real estate websites and all the while holding down full time jobs and families. 

What can be done?

This is why you need a qualified expert on your Team, someone who has been there and done that, who is in the property market day in and day out negotiating on properties for a living.

It’s pretty easy to see why people engage a Buyers agent and why you should consider Property Principles to do the heavy lifting for you. Of course there is a cost involved, but think of your investing as a business and the buyers agent an expense item that pays for itself many times over.

Being a very data focused company, we’d like to look at the numbers again.

A property purchased at $400,000, which was bought 15% under market value means that you would of saved $60,000, not only that, it means your yield is higher too.


Save time and money with our experts

Our strategy, which we can go into more detail on the call, allows us to buy properties below market value, with the ability for value uplift and that provide cash flow to support themselves. 

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